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Welcome to the Cloud City Card Cantina Podcast! Our podcast discusses the Topps Star Wars Card Trader App.

Listen in for set reviews, tips and trading mayhem.

Mar 18, 2018

our heroes are back again for another adventure. 

this week they talk cash in the app. 3 year anniversary cards and current sets. 

they cover the future of the app in terms of regular "top shelf" sets and get into some recent trades, speculative trades, current chases and  how to pick up that old set from "back in...

Mar 2, 2018

its all about balance. 

our heroes are back for episode 40, a milestone or something. 

its been a long time and there has been a lot of great stuff dropping in app. our collections are full, our pockets are empty and now marathons are drawing to a close. whats coming next?


find us on twitter @cloudcityCCPC

and some...